What's that in your hair? Some kind of dye thing?
Well, no. It's just the latest thing being cranked out by the trend machine... it's feather highlights for your hair! Not only can you skip the chemical dye, you can match your outfit at the same time, and feather hair extensions are easy in and easy out. Who knew???
Where did this trend come from? Was some celebrity toying around in their arts and craft supplies? It just seems to have sprung up in everyone's hair overnight. Many are pointing to a certain American Idol judge as the source of inspiration.
Now, we've seen this trend before. It was one hot accessory for Motley Crue and many glam rockers of 80's fame, back when men could get away with Aqua Net hair, feathers, colorful head scarves, and other such things, and still get girls. Unlike, say, Jon Bon Jovi, Steve's not much on updating his style. Rock your scarves, baby!
While the updated version features strand-like feathers that are more subtle than their clip-in predecessors, Miley Cyrus has lifted the trend straight out of the bygone decade.
Eating is one thing, but if you want to have a bit of fun with this trend which will almost surely be out by next season, there ARE synthetic options available that are just as fun to wear. You can even go for a cool non-feather look like these tinsel strands worn by Beyonce.
Or you can try a sexy, edgy version, like these Steampunk Hair Beads from Katarina Navane.
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