How to Alleviate Acne Problems
By: Audrey Marcher
‘Tis the season for photographic moments – proms, graduations, even weddings! The last thing you need is a ginormous pimple that distracts from the overall beauty of your fabulous face.
Do you think that chocolate bar you devoured last night, that greasy hamburger you had for lunch, or the dirt you accidently got on your face in the garden caused an acne flare up? Nope. Think again.
Researchers say that more than likely acne is caused by your hormones and plugged up pores. When your skin can’t slough off those dead cells, bam! There’s major back up happening underneath your epidermis and the next thing you know here come those tiny puss-filled volcanoes just waiting to erupt. Unfortunately folks, the fates of our faces lie all in our genes.
The truth is, there is no cure for acne. There are, however, things we can do to either prevent or treat acne flare-ups. I’ll mention five major tips to keep acne at bay:
Don’t spend too much time in the sun. While the sun can help you with that much-desired bronzed complexion, it can also clog up your pores and cause blackheads and whiteheads. So slather on some
sunblock with, at the very least, an SPF 15.
Don’t wash your face too much. You don’t want to irritate your skin or trick it into thinking that it’s losing too much oil so it suddenly goes into overdrive. Two to three times a day will suffice. Be sure to use a face wash that doesn’t contain a lot of harsh alcohol.
Peter Thomas Roth Beta Hydroxy Acne Wash, for example, only has 2 percent salicylic acid, so it gently cleans your skin without totally drying it out.
Do use a basic 3-step system to wash your face. First, wash your face with a gently medicated cleanser. By the way, salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide are the two key ingredients to look for when finding medicated products to fight acne. Both these ingredients help unclog pores. Second, use a toner to remove any residue makeup or dirt that your cleanser left behind. Also, toner closes up your clean pores so they’re no longer open to any air pollutants. Third, follow up with a good
moisturizer for the reasons mentioned in tip No. 2. It’s also good to keep in mind that there are 3-step systems designed especially for acne. Be sure to repeat your 3-steps in the morning and at night before you go to bed. Do it in the middle of the day, if you must, but remember no more than three times a day!
Do spot treat those pimples! Consider this point the if-needed 4th step in your 3-step-face-cleansing system. I say if-needed because
spot treatments are exactly what they sound like – slightly higher dosages of salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide and perhaps other acne fighting ingredients that are applied directly to a pimple NOT all over the face.
Bye Bye Blemish Drying Lotion, for example, has a 10 percent sulfur formula that is sure to give zits a smack down.
Do use a facial mask once a week. This is the extra super-deep cleaning that your skin needs. Pick a mask for oily skin like the
Ahava Purifying Mud Mask with minerals from the Dead Sea that suck out all that embedded grime. Again, once a week is just right for a mask. Remember, you don’t want to dry your skin out. Plus, you’ve earned it. Kick back, relax, and enjoy an in-home spa moment!
There you go! Acne can really ruin your day but if you follow these five simple tips, you’ll more than likely be picture perfect for your special spring and summer events. Hey, you’ll probably even be picture perfect all year around!